Martine Waltier

Martine Waltier

Whilst studying Music at Roehampton University, Martine and her violin joined a Prog Rock band and discovered how to navigate the world of odd time signatures! This is where she met Billie Bottle and their musical friendship took them on many adventures: a tour of Japan with Dave Sinclair, a national TV appearance on BBC's The Voice and many recordings of their own music as well as contributing to the work of others.

Martine is currently one of the lead vocalists for Mike Westbrook's Uncommon Orchestra, a 24 piece avant-garde band. She also fronts Frisco Fiasco Experiment on vocals and violin.

She has recently launched her solo career as a singer-songwriter, under the name of Me in Art/Martine.

Martine teaches vocals to Music Degree students at Plymouth University and is a Kundalini yoga teacher, producing yoga mantras under the name Sangeet Dayal Kaur.

Forthcoming appearances

No future appearances for Martine Waltier have yet been entered