Deller's Cafés/Palace Theatre/290721

Deller's Cafés
Deller's Café
Dr Paul Cleave shares his research on Devon’s long history of hospitality, taking us back to the elegant days of Deller’s Cafes in Exeter and Paignton, both a byword for quality, service and style, and discover some of the secrets of their success and their place at the heart of the communities they served

Event details

Date for event
Thursday, 29 July
Doors open:
Event begins:
Event ends:
Adult (on the door) £
Palace Avenue, Paignton, TQ3 3HF
Box Office
01803 665800
Deller's Cafés

Event Image: 

Deller's Café
Dr Paul Cleave shares his research on Devon’s long history of hospitality, taking us back to the elegant days of Deller’s Cafes in Exeter and Paignton, both a byword for quality, service and style, and discover some of the secrets of their success and their place at the heart of the communities they served

Event details

Date for event
Thursday, 29 July
Doors open:
Event begins:
Event ends:
Adult (on the door) £